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A City of Hope

Our second exhibit for the National Museum of African American History and Culture, City of Hope looks back 50 years to the pivotal year 1968, when the Poor People’s Campaign brought the issue of poverty to the nation’s capital. Rising to the challenge of a tight schedule, H+R worked to create a lively sequence of key moments—from an animated map of caravans converging on DC, to a life-sized Mule Train wagon, to a tactile map of Resurrection City. The stars of this show are its photographs, taken by the campaign’s foot soldiers and Resurrection City residents, which capture the vitality of life in the protest camp.



Howard+Revis Design Services    |   901 2nd Street NE, Washington, DC 20002    |   202-546-0022
Howard+Revis Design  |  901 2nd Street NE, Washington, DC 20002  |  202-546-0022
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